picture gallery

pictures So what's a personal homepage without a section chock full of picture goodness? Don't answer that question, I don't care. Here's all the pictures that I have digitized in my HDD, arranged in some order I came up with. It doesn't go back in history much, coz most of my previous digitized pictures were lost, and I don't have a scanner. I do have a digicam though, but it would be quite silly taking a picture of a picture, so I've decided to screw that until I have access to a scanner and LOTS of time.

Meanwhile, stop complaining and just look at these nice, colorful, bandwidth friendly pictures. The most recent pics are on this page, on top, and the rest are arranged in reverse chronological order. Nifty ainit?

Note: These pictures are quite large(physically, not in bytes) so they will not fit into the windows of people with less than 1024x768 resolution. If you don't at least have a 1024x768 resolution desktop, you suck. Get a larger monitor.


that's it

Yes! That's it! More pictures will hopefully come in the future as I get them digitized...which will take quite a while!

Wait long long lah!